Featured Trials
Not all clinical trials are the same. That’s why our review team of patients and researchers helped to identify trials we believe are going above and beyond for patients and families; our Featured Trials. For your safety and to protect your rights, these and all other clinical trials are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB).
Learn more about Featured Trials.
Allogeneic (cells from a donor) blood or marrow transplant (BMT) using cells from a deceased donor to treat acute leukemia
Two drugs, isatuximab and lenalidomide, to treat multiple myeloma that doctors consider high-risk after autologous (your own cells) blood or marrow transplant (BMT)
Making the world of clinical trials simpler
You don’t need to be an expert when you have experts by your side. The NMDP℠ Jason Carter Clinical Trials Search and Support Program exists to ensure no patient or family ever has to navigate the world of clinical trials without professional support.
Jason's Legacy
When Jason Carter was diagnosed with leukemia, his parents soon learned how time-consuming it was exploring the world of clinical trials. They wanted other families to have an easier experience.
We’re here to help
We know it can be complicated. We can help you learn about treatment options, answer your questions and understand your rights when participating in a clinical trial.
Support for expenses
Our financial assistance program may help you pay for travel costs to participate in a clinical trial.
Made for you
Save your search history and get notified when new clinical trials become available or when guidelines are updated.
Meet Anne
Anne found a clinical trial but was disappointed to learn she didn’t meet the guidelines. She worked 1-on-1 with our clinical trials navigators and they notified her when trial guidelines changed and that she might qualify. She was happy to learn she did!
Our Partners
We’re trusted leaders in the field of cellular therapy. We never lose sight of our purpose – delivering cures for blood cancers and blood disorders. From the moment a patient is diagnosed, we are there every step of the way; helping their doctor find a donor, delivering life-saving cells to the patient’s bedside, and supporting patients through recovery and survivorship.
With over 30 years of experience, we are the trusted leaders in advancing the science of transplant, conducting ground-breaking research and providing vital services for patients and families when they need them most. As the world’s largest registry and hub of a global network, our patients and partners count on us to develop innovative solutions to improve transplant and fuel collaborative relationships essential to saving lives.